All your workflows, content, and authors in one publishing platform
Manage high volumes of content and publish it across multiple print and digital channels, all through a single, streamlined system – PublishOne.
When Word works for your authors, why train them on a new authoring tool? PublishOne seamlessly integrates with popular document creation and editing tools like Microsoft Word and Xeditor.
See how it works
Streamline publishing workflows with PublishOne
PublishOne makes it simple to structure and standardize content and workflows.
Works with Microsoft Word
Authors can use their preferred authoring tools to create content.
Update once and publish everywhere
Repurpose and publish the same content to different channels, time after time.
Bring consistency to content design
Apply templates or complex XML schema to highly structured content.
Create collections in minutes
Advanced metadata makes it quick and easy to build content collections.
Integrate with new and existing publishing tools
Add everything from AI translation services to XML editors.
Start small and scale up
Secure, cloud-based, and highly scalable across your publishing divisions.
Publishing powered by PublishOne:
A publishing platform for the modern workplace
Technical or nontechnical? Every day or occasional user? It doesn’t matter! PublishOne is easy for anyone to pick up and use.
Tackle Today’s Publishing Challenges
Explore 5 key challenges facing publishers today and examine how some of the biggest names in professional information are actively consolidating, streamlining, and modernizing publishing workflows with the help of PublishOne.
All your publishing activities together as one
Built on Microsoft Azure, PublishOne provides secure and scalable storage for your growing library of content and authors. Push content in multiple formats:
- ePub
- InDesign
- And many more
Publishing news and views
How DOCX And XML Conversion From PublishOne Can Streamline Your Workflows
The DOCX and XML converter inside PublishOne is built on years of experience and development. In this blog, we explore how easy it is to deploy.
XML workflows explained
Go beyond the technical complexities, and it soon becomes clear that XML workflows can bring a whole host of benefits to your publishing efforts. Here’s how.
All Together In Antwerp
The Hofkamer in Antwerp provided the perfect backdrop for this year’s PublishOne Advisory Council clients and partners. Here’s our summary of the event.