A collaborative community of content publishers
For more than 25 years, we’ve continuously evolved ‘The Friendly Publishing Platform’ alongside the changing needs of our customers – multichannel content publishers from a range of sectors including the Science, Technical, and Medical industries.
We value your insights
Our Advisory Council is just one example of our commitment to collaboration. At this annual event, our customers present their ideas for updates, identifying development priorities for the features and functions that deliver the most value.
One reason organizations choose PublishOne is because their authors can work in Microsoft Word and their editorial team can easily convert content from DOCX to any XML format – including JATS, BITS, and STS – in just a few clicks.

Join us on the journey
Here at PublishOne, we continuously and iteratively improve our platform over time. We strongly believe that collaboration is the key to building digital tools that meet the needs of modern publishers.
That’s why we want to hear from you about the daily challenges in your publishing workflows, especially how you handle XML conversion in formats like JATS, BITS, and STS. To share your ideas, keep updated, and uncover opportunities to shape our product to improve your publishing workflows, join our community mailing list below.