How Publishers Are Adapting To

Market Developments Using PublishOne

As the volume of information and the number of channels through which content is delivered continues to multiply, publishers in sectors such as law and education have a challenge to stay relevant to their readership. 

But technology isn’t the only driver of change in the publishing industry. Other external factors – from new legislation to global pandemics – can significantly impact the ability of knowledge providers to deliver the content their customers need through their preferred channels.

Here’s how the PublishOne platform has helped all kinds of content publishers adapt quickly to change and maintain relevance and authority in their areas of expertise. 

Quick-launch new products

Being hit by an unforeseen and/or large-scale event – such as the global pandemic in 2020 – can ramp up demand for the latest and greatest information on a given topic. 

For example, incoming legislation might require a legal publisher to gather all the available information on a particular area of law, collating commentaries, court cases, and the laws themselves to create a new product for legal professionals.

The same approach can be applied to knowledge portals. Imagine being able to quickly and easily collate and repurpose existing content to create a new information website in just a couple of days. That’s precisely what one PublishOne client did during the pandemic. 

Onboard new authors easily

The other aspect of a major event – like the introduction of new regulations such as the EU’s AI Act – is that experts are needed to create new content, and build out an existing body of knowledge. That’s particularly important if your brand is seen as a trusted, leading authority on a particular topic. 

If any technical barriers stand between new authors and the publication process, then time can be lost on training and onboarding. Imagine having a relevant expert ready and willing to contribute their knowledge, only to stall due to the technicalities of using a system that’s new to them or simply not user-friendly.

With a secure but still open architecture, PublishOne has been designed to seamlessly integrate with other publishing tools and connected systems. That means in just a few clicks, content created in a popular writing tool – such as Microsoft Word – can be converted to different file formats and published and updated across different platforms.

Authors and editors get to work with their favorite writing tools – so you can work on the same document using different software – and publishers have the power to convert Word docs into less user-friendly, industry-standard markup languages like XML.

Future-proof integrations

The way the PublishOne platform is put together also means that as new technologies emerge, they can be easily integrated. For instance, you may have already read or heard about SDU’s innovative use of SNAP Innovation’s AI Translation Tool.

Now, when the company launches a new product, it can be automatically translated into multiple other languages. This is a huge time and cost saver. Human translators may still be needed to manually edit the text, but deploying AI cuts the cost of translation and speeds up the time to market by months at a time.   


PublishOne is designed to integrate smoothly with other technologies. This is exemplified by our recent partnership with Learnosity which enables over 50 interactive question types to be embedded in a static Word document from inside PublishOne, where it can be easily distributed to a Learning Management System (LMS) or a website:


A safe grounding for publishers

In recent years, the publishing world has been hit from all sides. Not only do publishers need to navigate the best route from paper to digital, they also have to deliver and update content across multiple channels, more and more frequently. 

Trusted content providers –  in sectors such as law and education – have to stay resilient in the face of external factors, weathering the storm of unprecedented challenges such as multiplying digital channels, global pandemics, and the implementation of GenAI. 

It’s hard to keep up with the speed of innovation, the constant deluge of information, and consumer expectations of having the freshest information the second it becomes available. But with PublishOne knowledge providers have a powerful, secure, versatile platform on which to integrate and build. 

Discover more about the benefits of PublishOne’s flexible architecture integration framework. Explore our architecture