How Buro Zero supports large-scale publishing

with content management from PublishOne

Buro Zero is a full service digital marketing agency based in Rotterdam that started in 2010. Providing everything from creative strategy and innovation to website hosting and support, their clients include some of the largest publishers in the Netherlands.

Building publishing sites on WordPress – an ideal platform for websites with smaller content management needs – one piece was missing from their offer. That piece was a streamlined and easy-to-use content management system (CMS) for large-scale publishing.

What Buro Zero needed was an easy-to-integrate authoring and editing platform to provide powerful, streamlined, and simple-to-use content management to non-technical users. As luck would have it, their work with a large public affairs publisher in the Netherlands led them to PublishOne.

The Challenge

Content management systems – such as WordPress – are ideal for publishing low volumes of regular content, such as a company blog. They can also be adequate for smaller publishing houses where a handful of people are responsible for editing and uploading content.

Where these types of solutions tend to come up short is in the context of larger publishing houses, which can have various imprints, hundreds of authors and editors, and multiple external contractors. That’s partly due to the scalability required, and partly because not everyone works with content in the same way.

When you’re dealing with high volumes of people and content, without a standardized process or clear oversight, it can quickly lead to inconsistencies and errors – such as articles appearing in the wrong format and in the wrong place on a website. That can become a major issue for publishers handling a range of content types such as news, journals, and books.

Large publishers need a content management solution that offers visibility, scalability, and reliability. This helps them to ensure consistency, meet demand, and deliver quality content. It’s a scenario that Buro Zero knows all too well.


The Solution

It was whilst Buro Zero was developing a WordPress website to house the knowledge portals, books, and courses of public affairs publisher Berghauser Pont that they first connected with PublishOne. The company already used PublishOne’s editorial platform and needed to integrate it with the frontend of their website, built by Buro Zero. It proved to be a powerful partnership.

Since then, Publish One and Buro Zero have provided similar solutions to other large publishing houses in the Netherlands, including a new platform for a large public services provider, with 20,000 end-users and 75 people publishing content.

With many web builders, the built-in CMS usually requires a lot of technical expertise. This creates a barrier for authors and editors who are not experts in software development. Templates can only go so far in helping people get their content in the best shape for publication.

Having PublishOne – a single, easy-to-use platform – to handle all published content, helps authors and editors get it right. That’s because it’s designed for non-technical users. There’s no need to train external contributors, authors, and editors on new writing and editing software, they simply bring their favorite tools – such as Microsoft Word – into the PublishOne environment.

The other great thing about PublishOne is its versatility – it can handle different forms of content, from a publisher’s internal newsletter to a multi-volume and frequently revised book series. Everyone works in PublishOne, and they push it to where content is needed – which could be multiple locations at once.

The Impact

For organizations publishing high volumes of content across multiple digital and physical channels, the combination of Buro Zero and PublishOne is a force to be reckoned with. Both parties are looking forward to future collaborations – connecting Buro Zero’s frontend development with the powerful yet easy-to-use CMS functionality of PublishOne at the backend.

Discover how the friendly publishing platform can streamline your publishing process. Contact us